Lay Aside the Old, Put on the New Part 2

How do we walk in a manner worthy of the calling? What happens when we fall short? In this week’s message from Ephesians 4:25-32, Jason Bradshaw shows us how God’s Word gives us specific examples of how we are to live with each other; reminds us of us who He is and who we are; and how we can forgive each other as He has forgiven us.

Jason’s Main Points

  • We are to put off the old way of life and put on the new (Paul’s 4 litmus tests).
  • When we sin, God grieves.
  • When we sin, God doesn’t go anywhere.
  • We must walk in a manner worthy of our calling in how we pursue unity with each other.

Key Takeaways

  • In Christ, we are members of the same body and of one another. Dishonesty hinders our unity, maturity, and function.

  • We must put off falsehood and speak truth! For we are a people of truth who serve the God of truth.

  • Lying is not consistent with Christ’s character and our calling.

  • Jesus equated unrighteous anger to murder, which grants the Devil an oportunity to destroy relationships and unity.
  • We must put off sinful anger and keep short accounts, for we are a people of peace who serve the God of peace.
  • Believers should be the most faithful, honest workers– not workaholics, but honoring God in what we do, how we conduct ourselves, and stewarding our resources for the good of others.
  • We must put off taking what is not ours and work hard, for we are a generous people who serve a generous God.

  • Encouragement is a powerful means of grace as we remind one another of the truth and love of God.
  • We must put off any corrupt talk and encourage one another, for we are a body meant to build each other up with grace, who serve a God of grace.
  • Our God is relational and it grieves Him when we walk with our former father, the Devil who is the Father of Lies.

  • When we sin, God has sorrow over our sin, but sin does not sever our relationship with Him.

  • Our response to harms performed to us must be informed by what we’ve believed and received in Jesus Christ.

  • Forgiven people forgive. Our walk is His witness.

  • The forgiveness we’ve received must be our North Star, our compass– If we do not remember what we’ve been given to guide us, we will lose our witness and way.

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • Do you have unresolved bitterness or unforgiveness towards anyone in your community group or in our church? How will the truth of Ephesians 4:32 transform your perspective and inform your next steps in this matter?

  • Who will you encourage this week as a means of God’s grace?

Discuss with your community group:

  • Refer to Jason’s chart, which of the 4 litmus tests are you struggling with the most to put off the old self and put on the new self? Remind each other of how Christ is the perfect example and substitute in these areas.

  • When you sin have you seen it as grieving (causing great sorrow) to the Holy Spirit? What does this truth reveal to you about your sin and the character of God to save you and seal you in spite of your sinfulness and stubbornness?

Passages Referenced for Further Study
Ephesians 4:25-32; Ephesians 4:22-24; James 1:19-25; Proverbs 12:22; Matthew 5:37; James 3:3-12; James 3:17-18; Matthew 5:21-24; Proverbs 15:1; Hebrews 12:7-11; Psalm 1:1-3.