To be and make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.



Grounded in the Gospel

The grace and mercy lavished on us by God through Jesus Christ deeply grounds our hearts in the goodness and kindness of God and is the bedrock of our daily lives. (John 3:16)


Rooted in Scripture

Everything we teach and do must be rightly observed, interpreted, and applied from God’s Word which is our authority, conscience and guide. (2 Timothy 3:16)


Devoted to Prayer

Prayer is an outworking of our love for God, an expression of our care for others, and an act of dependence on Him. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)


Committed to Christian Community

In God’s kindness, He gave us a community of believers for our spiritual growth and care. When God’s people, informed by His Word, lean in to love, serve, consider, instruct, admonish, encourage, build up, spur on, submit to, confess to, and pray for one anotherGod is glorified, lives are changed, and God’s kingdom is grown. (Acts 2:42-47)


Marked by Authenticity

Authenticity is essential both for our spiritual health and our witness to the world. When we share our brokenness and how Christ is restoring our hearts, it magnifies the gospel and points others to Jesus. (James 5:16)


Moved to Love our Neighbor

Loving others is the second most important job we have. We express our love for our neighbors, city, and world by actively meeting tangible needs, ministering to others through the gospel, and inviting them into the family of God. (Luke 10:25-37, Matthew 28:18-20)


Believe in Christ

Believing in Christ is more than just acknowledging that God exists. Belief is about trust – trusting that Jesus is who He says He is, relying on His sacrifice on the cross as the only thing that will save us from the penalty of our sins, and responding to His grace by committing our lives to follow Him. It is knowing that faithfully abiding with Christ and constantly reminding ourselves of the gospel will help us daily to pursue full devotion toward Him.

Belong to His Body

Belonging to His body means practicing the “one anothers” of Scripture with God’s people. This involves attending faithfully, praying for the church’s health and impact, dealing Biblically with conflict, following after the leadership’s care and vision, showing hospitality to visitors, and committing to be fully known, encouraged, and cared for in authentic Christian community as we grow in love for God and others.

Be Trained in Truth

Being trained in truth consists of reading, understanding, and applying God’s Word and affirming its inspiration, infallibility, and authority. To continue to grow by availing ourselves to the equipping and discipleship tools and environments of the church, in order to help us deepen our understanding of Him and to prepare ourselves to give a “ready defense” for our faith.

Be Strong in a Life of Ministry & Worship

Being strong in a life of ministry & worhsip means discovering, developing, and deploying our gifts as good stewards of the grace of God, and for the building up of the body. By stewarding and giving our resources in a way that would honor the Lord, and by courageously sharing God’s Word as we faithfully serve and seek the good of others.