Archive: Staff

Shannon McQueeney

I was born in Columbia, Maryland but raised in Allen, Texas (Go Allen Eagles!). Growing up in a Christian home, I accepted Christ at an early age, but fell into a pattern of rule following and being morally “good”. I did all the right things, being super involved in my church’s youth ministry, leading younger […]

Taylor Massey

I grew up in Lake Jackson, Texas alongside a sister who is 20 months older than me. My wife and I met at SMU where we both studied engineering. We have two sons who keep us on our toes. We began attending Watermark’s college ministry, One28, circa 2010 where the Lord used a guys small […]

Jeff Kramer

Before Christ, my life was filled with a lot of religious activity as a churchgoer in Ft. Worth. I understood and received the Gospel at the age of eight, but growing up I thought that being moral was synonymous with being spiritual.  This all changed when my wife and family began to attend Watermark after being […]

Callie Cirone

I grew up in Arlington, Texas in a Christian home with two loving parents and a little brother. I accepted Christ at a young age, but growing up I found myself increasingly torn between wanting to live for Christ and wanting to live for the world. After college (sic ‘em bears!), I moved to Fort […]

John Ingebritson

I grew up attending an Assembly of God Church in Maryland, then was enrolled at a Jesuit High School in Washington DC, then graduated from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. I guess you could say I experienced everything that Christianity had to offer, but I did not give my life to Christ and decide to […]

Kirsten Hancock

I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas and moved to Fort Worth for my first job out of college. I am a registered dietitian and was working as a menu planner for FWISD (think school lunch) prior to jumping on staff here at WM. I accepted Christ at a young age through children’s […]


I am so blessed to be called an adoptive son of God and receive His grace through no merit of my own. In High School God used a life altering event with my mom to solidify my trust in who He was and how He unconditionally loves me! My heart is that others would come […]

Patrick Blocker

My wife, Joy, and I have been married since 2003 and we have three kiddos at home, Griffin, Maddy and Beck. I love any kind of competition, any kind of sugar, and country dancing with my wife. My heroes include John Lewis, Col. Bruce Patterson, and the inventor of simulated thunderstorms in the Tom Thumb […]


I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home and came to know Jesus early in life. That said, it wasn’t until my late 20s that God opened my eyes to the fullness of the gospel and to fully understand that I was made to be in a relationship with Him and to surrender […]


I married my beautiful bride, Natalie on June 18th, 2018 in Vail Colorado. I grew up in Mansfield, Texas and I accepted Christ at a young age but didn’t know what it meant to follow him until I was 15 years old. I started attending the Village Church in 2009 and it wasn’t until then […]