An Invitation To Behold Jesus

Our summer series The Coming King pervasively prepared our hearts for the promised Messiah. As The Gospel of Luke, Part I: The Arrival of the King begins, we set our hearts and minds on Luke’s orderly account of the birth, life, teachings, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, the aim of this series is to set forth the truth, love, and glory of Christ, in order that the skeptic might be satisfied, the sinner might be saved, and the saved might be sanctified.

Tyler’s Main Points

  • This gospel was written so that the skeptic could know for certain the exact truth about Jesus.
  • This gospel was written so that the sinner could know for certain the gospel of Jesus.
  • This gospel was written so that the saved could know for certain the glory of Jesus.

Key Takeaways

  • The gospel of Luke is an invitation to behold Jesus the Son of Man. The hope of this series is that each of us and all of us would behold Him more clearly, love Him more deeply, and reflect Him more rightly.

  • The gospel of Luke is an invitation to the skeptic to scrutinize Christ and come to a decision on His true identity.

  • The gospel of Luke is an invitation to see the compassion of Christ and hear His message of good news.

  • The gospel of Luke is an invitation to behold Jesus and love Him all the more dearly.

  • Luke presents a thorough, disciplined account in which he investigated and preserved exact truths about Jesus.

  • The gospel of Luke has editorial reliability, source reliability, and intrinsic reliability.

  • Luke presents numerous examples of prophetic fulfillment. As referenced by Tyler, “The Old Testament reveals promises made. The New Testament reveals promises kept.”

  • If you are a sinner in need of rescue, Luke presents the good news that Jesus came for you.

  • Christ welcomes our contrite hearts with a delight to save us.

  • The gospel of Luke presents the opportunity to not just see the footsteps of Jesus like a trip to Holy Land, but to truly see Jesus!

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • What doubts and sin struggles are currently hindering your relationship with Jesus? Spend time in prayer to ask God to refine your perspective on the truth, love, and glory of Christ throughout our series in Luke.

  • Read Luke 1:1-4:13 to prepare you for Part I: The Arrival of the King.

Discuss with your community group:

  • What excites you most about our upcoming sermon series in Luke? What is your previous experience with the gospel of Luke?

  • Why can we trust that the gospel of Luke provides a reliable account of Jesus Christ?

  • In your personal study of the Bible, how can you increasingly prioritize beholding the glory of Christ?

Passages Referenced

Luke 1:1-4; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Luke 19:10; Luke 5:27-32; Luke 24:36-48.

Worship Set List

House of the Lord, No Other King, Death was Arrested, Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord), Behold the Lamb