Inner Legalism and Hypocrisy

As the world measures greatness in terms of power, position, and possessions, this week’s sermon series The Gospel of Luke, Part III: A Journey through Galilee reveals to us the true measure of greatness as exhorted and exemplified by Jesus Christ. Sacrificial service, not status, emerges as the path to true significance and satisfaction within the kingdom of God. As we love one another, we more fully realize the blessing of our union with Christ and His Church.

Drew’s Main Points

-One: God cares about actual godliness, not simply the appearance of godliness.

-Two: Man gives himself to legalism and labor, but Jesus gives us rest.

-Three: Man values appearances, but Jesus desires our hearts.

-Four: Man blocks knowledge that leads to life, and Jesus IS that knowledge.

Key Takeaways

-Even if my actions are right, how is my heart? God sees to the depths of my heart.

-The Law was actually given to help us enjoy fellowship with God! As an example, the Sabbath was given to help us rest and enjoy God, not to add additional rules to follow. 

-A relationship with God should never be burdensome. Drew talked about sharing his faith out of the joy in his heart, but that joy turned to burnout when it became an operation of obligation.

-Get back to the basics of enjoying a relationship with your Savior. Drew mentioned taking a sabbatical from certain activities. Is there anything to start doing or stop doing so you may rekindle genuine affection (love) for God?

-If my success as a Christian is determined by performance, it will lead to a cycle of guilt and shame and comparing myself to others instead of going to Jesus for my rest and assurance.

-Matthew 11:28-30 describes Jesus as having a humble heart and His burdens are light and His yoke easy. A yoke is the harness for the oxen to help plow the field, and their burden of work was heavy. Jesus describes Himself as the opposite. Do you see Him this way, or do you believe you have much work to do to please or appease Jesus? Do you see Him as gentle and lowly, or harsh and judgmental? It can impact how we treat others, especially those we are over, like our kids or employees.

-What part of my life am I not wanting Jesus to have authority? Is there an area I’d rather determine what’s best for me rather than allowing Him to inform me? The slave castle was a great picture of this.

-Honesty kills hypocrisy. Own it. Be humble like David was and repent. 

-A right standing with God isn’t something that can be negotiated. It can only be received. 

-Kids need to know you delight in them simply because they are your children. They need to always feel secure in your love, not only when they are performing well or acting right.

-In leading, we must provide a grace shaped environment. A test for this is how we feel after we confess something we are struggling with. Am I loved or condemned?

-More is caught than taught. 

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

Question 1- Are my godly motivations led by duty or passion? From freedom or obligation? If someone you love offers you something because they feel it is their duty versus if they offer you something because they love you and simply want you to feel loved, which of these shows genuine love and impacts your heart more?

Question 2- How do you define success in the Christian faith? Does it have to do with performance or faithfulness? Is it based on the action or the heart? Is there anything you try to add to the saved by “grace+____”? Bible reading, serving, politics, what others think???

Question 3- In what ways have I been a hypocrite? As Drew said, honesty kills hypocrisy, so is there someone I need to apologize to and seek forgiveness? 

Discuss with your community group:

Questions 1- Do you ever catch yourself in the comparison game? “He/she does more than me, so I am not doing enough to earn God’s love.” “I’m doing more than he/she is, so I’m good and they must not really be seeking the Lord first.” Is this freedom or bondage? Legalism or saved by grace? 

Questions 2- Are there standards you hold others to (your spouse, your children, your colleagues at work, friends, etc) that you aren’t willing to live by, or at least hope others won’t judge you by? 

Passages Referenced

Scriptures mentioned during the sermon:

Psalm 19:8-10 Matthew 11:28-30 Psalm 51:17 Num 32:23 John 10:10 John 17:3

Worship Set List

This is Christmas, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, He Is Worthy, Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me, At The Cross (Love Ran Red)