Make Good Use Of The Light

    We continue this week’s sermon series, The Gospel of Luke, Part III: A Journey through Galilee in Luke 11:33-36. The text teaches us how we are to respond to the light and how it impacts life as a whole. Not only is this light necessary for you and me, it is necessary for everyone we come into contact with each day. Let us recall the old song, “This little light of mine,” and put it into practice. Tyler leads off with a great story in this way and shares how we can use the light to light the way both for ourselves and others.

Preacher’s Main Points

Main Emphasis: Make good use of the light of Jesus so that you may have fullness of life in Him.

• Jesus is the light. Give Him the proper place in your life.

• Be sure you can see the light. Examine the condition of your spiritual eyes.

• Walk in the light. Experience the transforming power of Jesus in your life.

Key Takeaways

• Understand, see, and walk in the light. (Jesus)

• Light is representative of Jesus, life, and righteousness.

• Darkness is representative of lies, sin, and unrighteousness/wickedness.

• Light illumines everything. He (Jesus) is the light and gives us the ability to see spiritual things.

• Our works cannot earn our salvation. Only Jesus can give us what we need for salvation, namely Himself and His righteousness.

• Our spiritual eyesight impacts the quality of our life. (God, please give us eyes to see and responsive hearts.)

• Things we allow in our life can lead to cloudy spiritual eyesight. (i.e. False Teaching, Apathy – absence of a relational pursuit of God, and Double-Mindedness)

• We do not earn God’s favor. We already have it through the merits of Christ. (We have all that we need for life and godliness in Christ Jesus our Lord.)

• A wrong view of God deeply affects our spiritual eyesight. (Good theology and doctrine matter significantly.)

• We deceive ourselves if we live our lives apart from the commands of Godand think we are okay with God. We can’t live one day in faith and the other six days of the week in unbelief and however we want.

• We cannot have one foot in the Church and one foot in the world. This type of behavior clouds our spiritual eyesight.

• Do not call unrighteousness righteousness. This is the ultimate self-deception.

• It is not okay to hold on to pet sins. (Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves.)

• Self-righteousness is self-condemnation. Only Jesus (God) is perfect and His demand is perfection. We can never meet that standard. It is only met by Christ’s substitutionary atonement and His righteousness.

• Do not buy this lie… “Live your truth.” There are not many roads to God, only one through Jesus Christ.

• Jesus demands all of you today. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness… It’s not, seek your kingdom today and His later. Your very life might be demanded of you today. Today is the day of salvation.

• When you walk in the light, your sin will be exposed. (Think of Peter in the boat when meeting with the Lord. He recognized his sinfulness in Christ’s presence.)

• We can snuff out or embrace the light. When embraced, all the good, right,and true will work itself out in us through the power of the Gospel and Holy Spirit. (He causes you to will and act according to His good pleasure. Once He begins a work in you, He will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. – Be greatly encouraged Church!!)

• 1 John 1:5-10 explicitly teaches us good doctrine about how we are to think and live.

• When we do not walk in the light, we choose to walk in darkness. (Willful sin)Walking in the darkness yields guilt, shame, anxiousness, pain, and ultimately death, destruction, and eternal separation from God.

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

• Have I ever considered faith in Jesus as a part of my life? Does my faith play out in my life? Can others see Jesus in me?

• Do I really believe that there is life after death: heaven and hell? How does this belief affect how I live my life and what I communicate to others? Am I ready to meet the Lord and give an account of my life?

• On a scale from 1 to 10, how confident am I that I will go to heaven? Is my answer dependent on myself (my own doings) or something or someone else? (If you are unsure as to how to answer this question, please reach out for further discussion.)

Discuss with your community group:

• How is God represented as the light in the Scriptures?

• What does darkness in the Scriptures represent?

• What is the condition of our spiritual eyes? How can we uncloud our vision and/or make sure our spiritual eyesight is seeing clearly?

Spend some time encouraging and praying for one another.

Passages Referenced

Luke 11:33-36; 1 John 1:5-10; John 15 and verses 15:12-17; Jude 24-25

Worship Set List

Hallelujah for the Cross,10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord), Christ our Hope in Life and Death, King of Kings, Undivided Heart