Beholding The Beauty Of The Bridegroom

This week our sermon series The Gospel of Luke, Part II: A Journey through Galilee examines Jesus’ beauty as the Church’s bridegroom and the beauty of the new and better New Covenant. As Jason Bradshaw highlights the manifold beauties and blessings of Christ, we are to respond with sincere repentance and joyful worship.

Key Takeaways

  • As Jason warned, “The world is constantly competing for our affections, striving to draw our gaze away from the beauty of our Savior and steal our joy.”

  • Jesus’ arrival meant there was no need for sorrow and fasting, but feasting and joy.

  • 5 Beautiful Realities of Jesus as our Bridegroom:

  1. Christ, the bridegroom, has purchased His bride.
  2. Christ, the bridegroom, is sanctifying His bride.
  3. Christ, the bridegroom, cherishes His bride.
  4. Christ, the bridegroom, has intimacy with His bride.
  5. Christ, the bridegroom, brings great joy to His bride.

  • When we think about Jesus our bridegroom and our gaze is fixed upon Him, we cannot help but be filled with joy about who He is, what He’s done, and all that He will accomplish.

  • Jesus presents that He is ushering in a new and better way.

  • The old and new way that Jesus presents can’t, won’t, and don’t mix with each other.

  • The old covenant served its intended temporary purpose and was not bad, but the new covenant is altogether better.

  • The New Covenant provides a new Spirit, produces a new mind, a new people, and a new way to rest in the work of Christ the bridegroom and walk in freedom.

  • Jesus has provided a remedy for trusting in our own insufficient works for salvation through His perfect righteousness and sacrifice.

  • When our gaze is fixed upon Christ the bridegroom, our works and spiritual disciplines come from the overflow of a heart overjoyed in Him.

  • Jesus is not just a patch we put on our old lives, but He has made us new and given us a new Spirit to walk in newness of life. Self-examination is not a bad thing, but apart from beholding Christ it will lead to despair, guilt, and shame. Self-examination with Christ brings repentance and worship.

  • 5 Reminders of How to Behold the Beauty of the Bridegroom and His New Way:
  1. Remember the gift of the Gospel message found in His Word.
  2. Remember the gift of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Remember His Church as the bride.
  4. Remember His work in our own lives.
  5. Remember the feast that is to come.

  • How can we help each other behold God? Not only confessing sins, but beholding His beauty through His Word together.

  • Self-examination is not a bad thing, but apart from beholding Christ it will lead to despair, guilt, and shame. Self-examination with Christ brings repentance and worship.

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • Where is your gaze set today? What is threatening your focus and a joy found only in Jesus?

  • Review the “5 Beautiful Realities of Jesus as our Bridegroom” and “5 Reminders of How to Behold the Beauty of the Bridegroom and His New Way.” How will you intentionally gaze upon the beauty of Jesus our bridegroom this week?

Discuss with your community group:

  • In what ways are you foolishly trying to mix the old and new? What former lusts, passions, and pleasures of your old life are hindering your new life in Christ?

  • How can your group grow in helping each other behold God during conversations, confession, and encouragement?

Passages Referenced

Luke 5:33-39; Matthew 6:16-18; Ephesians 5:25-32; Romans 5:8; Psalm 18:19; Philippians 4:4; Hebrews 8:6-13; Ezekiel 36:26-27; Matthew 22:36-40; Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 6:1-2; Revelation 19:6-9.

Worship Set List

Lamp & Light, You are the Lord, Jesus You Alone, How Great Thou Art, Beautiful