Parable Of The Lamp

As countless distractions threaten our spiritual vitality, this week’s sermon series The Gospel of Luke, Part II: A Journey through Galilee reminds us that eagerness is the only logical response towards God and His Word. Ultimately, saving faith is accompanied by obedience and it is the believer’s responsibility to continue to cultivate a heart of humility and dependence.

Tyler’s Main Points

  • Listen carefully to God’s Word.

  • God gives more light to those who listen well.

  • Obedience is the evidence that gives assurance that we are listening well as children of God.

Key Takeaways

  • As introduced last week, God gives more light to those who listen well.

  • It would be illogical to respond to the light of God’s Word by tucking it away where it would be no use to you or others.

  • Apathy towards God’s Word is illogical, eagerness is the logical response. Apathy will become evident to those around you, due to a lack of fruitfulness.

  • The condition of your soul is dependent on your disposition to God’s Word and how you listen to it.

  • We must set aside all distractions and give God and His Word our undivided attention.

  • God promises that as you cultivate your heart to listen to Him, He will give you more and more of Himself and a greater satisfaction of your soul.

  • When we turn our ears off to God and His Word, we begin to wither.

  • Children of God walk in obedience from the heart.

  • We are saved by faith alone but saving faith is never alone.

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • What attitudes and areas of the Christian life are you apathetic towards God? Spend intentional time confessing your apathy towards God and pray for a renewed sense of receptiveness to His Word and will for your life.

  • How will you give God your undivided attention this week and cultivate your heart to listen to Him?

Discuss with your community group:

  • What are the greatest distractions in your life? What is your current disposition towards God and His Word?

  • How can you more faithfully encourage one another towards a deeper relationship with God?

Worship Set List

Who is Like the Lord, Oh But God, Ancient of Days, Jesus Paid it All