
As we continue our series The King is Coming, the Patriarchs era brilliantly showcases the faithfulness and sovereignty of God to work out His redemptive will amidst humanity’s sinfulness and suffering. In this week’s message, Drew Zeiler teaches us how the story of Joseph points to Christ and how Christ serves as the ultimate source of hope, healing, forgiveness, and comfort in our suffering.

Drew’s Main Points

  • God has a prevailing plan to bring about redemption to His people.
  • The Pit: God is sovereign even in our suffering.
  • Potiphar’s House: God is with us in our suffering.
  • The Prison: God uses our suffering for our sanctification.
  • The Palace:  God is sovereignly bringing about His plan of redemption.

Key Takeaways

  • The main character in our story is not us, but Christ. We exist to know Him and make Him known.

  • The Patriarchs era includes 4 key people: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. The story of Joseph includes 4 key places: The Pit, Potiphar’s House, The Prison, The Palace.

  • Jealousy was a generational sin that plagued the patriarchs. Jealousy compromises the soul and is rooted in a distrust of God and a discontentment for His provision.

  • God is in control in all circumstances. He has a plan and uses our suffering for our good and for His purposes.

  • As Joseph was betrayed and sold for the common price of a slave, so too was Jesus.

  • Christ suffered more than anyone in the history of the world, yet desires to help us and comfort us in our suffering.

  • As Joseph was falsely accused for crimes He didn’t commit, so too was Jesus.

  • How different and greater are God’s plans than our plans? One of God’s primary means of sanctification is not allowing everything to go as planned, in order that we would depend on Him and bear fruit as we trust in Him.

  • God allowed Joseph to suffer so he could be sanctified. God allowed Jesus to suffer so we could be sanctified.

  • Just as Joseph was crowned in Egypt, brought about redemption for his family, and forgave his brothers, Jesus was crowned the ruler of heaven and died to redeem and forgive us.

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • Read Genesis 39-50. How does God take “what man intended for evil and use it for good (Gen. 50:20)?” How does the story of Joseph point you to Christ?

  • How has God used trials in your life to draw you to Him and make you more like Him?

Discuss with your community group:

  • What do you think God intends for you to learn in your current season and struggles?

  • In what desires or relationships are you prone to fall into jealousy? Encourage and pray for one another, in light of the specific struggles confessed.

Additional Passages Referenced 

Luke 24:27; Genesis chapters 12-50; Hebrews 13:8; Proverbs 27:4; Romans 8:28; Isaiah 53:3; Genesis 39:1-10, 21; Psalms 25:10; Genesis 50:20.

Worship Set List

House of the Lord, Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord), Faithful, In Christ Alone, Way Maker