Blessed Through Obedience

We continue this week’s sermon series, The Gospel of Luke, Part III: A Journey through Galilee in Luke 11:27-28. The text teaches us the glorious subject of obedience. Obedience requires submission to someone else, and we are blessed by obeying God. All too often, many unwittingly resist and rebel this blessing of God to their own detriment, and this choice isn’t free from consequence. Genuine Christianity isn’t about rules but relationship. Salvation and the abundant life are so much more than just making it to heaven and involve joyful obedience.

Preacher’s Main Points

  • Obedience is a path of experiencing friendship with God.
  • Obedience is the path that leads to the abundant life.

Key Takeaways

  • The satisfaction of our souls is found in walking with God.
  • We are to walk by faith in the word of God. (Reminder of what faith is…Hebrews 11:1 & that it is a gift of God…Ephesians 2:8-9)
  • To be blessed is to have a happy soul. (God is the ultimate source of this state of being.)
  • Jesus shows us that we can have a happy soul by how He lived. (Constant submission and fellowship with God the Father)
  • Blessed are those that hear the Word of God and obey it. Luke 11:27
  • Jesus calls us friends. He shows us His friendship in three ways: He died for us. He chose us. He makes all things known to us from the Father.
  • God chooses us and appoints us to bearing good fruit. (We do not choose God. By promise and according to His faithfulness, God causes His children to work and will according to His good pleasure.)
  • God reveals His heart to us through Jesus and the Scriptures. We can know of ALL His holy attributes and the kind intentions of His holy will.
  • Jesus demonstrates His friendship to us in what He does for us. In addition to the above three things, He makes intercession for us and is an advocate for us to God the Father.
  • You are my friends if you do what I command. John 15:14
  • Obedience is a demonstration and experience of friendship with God. It is found in our union with Christ. (Our source of power and strength in godly, obedient living is found here rather than in and of ourselves.)
  • Christ walked in submission to the will of the Father. He showed us obedience and how it blesses the soul. (His perfect union with God the Father)
  • Jesus is actively working in us to be like Him (God). Think of Galatians 5:22…the fruit of the Spirit.
  • We choose rebellion and reject God’s blessing when we are not obedient to Him. We are either with Him or not, friends or enemies.
  • God commands us to enjoy Him by enjoying His presence and by participating in the work that He is actively doing this side of eternity.
  • Hearing the Word of God and doing it go hand and hand.
  • King David was a man after God’s own heart. How about you? What fancies your heart and how are you to be described? Take inventory of who you are right now and consider where you stand. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
  • Wicked plans often succeed in this life, yet they are not without consequence. Remember the sovereignty of God in all things. (Every knee will bow and confess that Jesus is Lord.)
  • Our souls and physical well-being are impacted by sin. Psalm 32
  • Confession, faith, and repentance are precious and kind gifts from the Lord. These are all granted through Christ. How immeasurable is the loving-kindness of God through Jesus Christ!!
  • Never fear running to God. God loves to show mercy and bless. God’s attributes and actions towards you will overwhelm you with His goodness and reward.
  • You will not flourish in your soul when walking in disobedience to God.
  • We are surrounded by God’s loving-kindness when living and walking in obedience to Him.
  • Don’t be a Thunderhoof. (illustrative story) Don’t live in rebellion to God. It only leads to sorrow and destruction.
  • Through Jesus Christ, joyful obedience and submission to God yield the abundant life and a fruitful path to heaven. You will have a happy soul.

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • How does Jesus prove that I am His friend?
  • Does my life reflect friendship with God or am I an enemy of God?
  • Am I obeying His commands? If not, how does disobedience affect my life? Are there obvious omissions of obedience to any of His commands evident in my life? Rember who God is and do not be afraid to confess your sins to Him and others. The blessed life awaits you through confession, faith, repentance, and joyful obedience.

Discuss with your community group:

  • What does it mean to be blessed? Discuss with one another all the ways that we are blessed in Christ.
  • Are we open to rebuke and exhortation from one another? Do we resist godly counsel or encourage it? In the context of obedience and receiving rebuke/instruction, call to mind many of the Proverbs and discuss the differences between those who are like the righteous or like the wicked.
  • What ways do we see each other walking in joyful submission to God? Spend time encouraging and praying for one another.

Passages Referenced

Luke 11:27-28; John 15:13-15; Galatians 2:20; Psalm 32

Worship Set List

As Loud As He Is Worthy (Psalm 47), You Are The Lord, How Marvelous, In Christ Alone, Abide