The Cost of Following Jesus

This week’s sermon series, The Gospel of Luke, Part III: A Journey through Galilee, Exacting Discipleship, Newley continues telling the story of Jesus’ transition from the years of teaching about the Kingdom of God, healing, and performing miracles to Jesus setting his way towards Jerusalem and talking with others along the way. In Luke 9:57-62, there is an emphasis placed on discipleship, the cost, and what it looks like to follow Him.

Newley’s Main Points

  • When we follow Jesus, we choose to live the rest of our lives His way.
  • A follower of Jesus is called to suffer.
  • A follower of Jesus is called to a new and highest priority.
  • A follower of Jesus maintains undivided devotion to Jesus.

Key Takeaways

  • The world has specifics ideas about the roles of leading and following, and the worldly ideas of these roles do not necessarily align with the Scriptures and the call of God on our lives. Jesus flipped the script on these ideas. (Mark 10:43-44)

  • Our relationship with God is based on love, and it is a two-way street.

  • Following Jesus is a radical decision that changes everything. Jesus wants us to count the cost in following Him.

  • Truth, not emotions, should drive our choices and purposeful actions in life in following Jesus. “We make emotion-driven, time constrained, and social status influence bad choices all the time. Jesus loves us enough not to want us to do the same when it comes to Him.”

  • Jesus knows our hearts and lovingly and compassionately responds to them with perfect precision.

  • It is the love of Jesus that brings us to the point of choice and repentance.

  • Following Jesus is better than following our own way.

  • Jesus, Who is our total fulfillment and satisfaction, is superior to any idol we could put in His place.

  • Our peace is affected by how we respond to situations and people. Are we following our way or Jesus’ way? Do we bear others’ burdens or lash out at the cause of them?

  • The secret to change is to identify the idols of your heart and put Jesus as your utmost affection/desire. See the 11 diagnostic questions.

  • Jesus is worth it. Are you willing to suffer to follow Him? Deny yourself?

  • Jesus chose to bear ALL our sins on Himself and made the way of salvation possible for us. He made the choice to suffer and fulfill the will of God The Father. Jesus set the perfect example for us.

  • Procrastination is intimately linked to priority. We often do what is most important to us. Priority should act as a gauge for us.

  • Jesus is preeminent. He is the highest priority for us over ALL things. Following Him should be our highest aim and priority.

  • Jesus wants (deserves) an undivided heart from His followers.

  • Continually looking back shows our doubt and lack of trust in the Lord.

  • Following Jesus is a daily choice and comes with a high cost. The old you is the bad guy, not others. (If you are in Christ, remember that you are a new creation, and it is He (God) that causes you to will and act according to His good pleasure).

  • In every situation, we get a choice in how we will respond. Jesus wants us to respond in His way and not our own way (WWJD).

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • Refer to the 11 diagnostic questions from the sermon:
    • 1. What do I worry about the most? 2. What, if I failed or lost it, would cause me to feel that I did not want to live? 3. What do I run to in order to comfort myself when things get difficult? 4. What do I do to cope? What are my release valves? What do I need to do to feel better? 5. What preoccupies me? What do I always daydream about? 6. What makes me feel the most self-worth? Of what am I the proudest? For what do I want to be known? 7. What do I often lead with in conversations? 8. Early on, what do I want to make sure that people know about me? 9. What prayer, unanswered, would make me seriously think about turning away from God? 10. What do I really want and expect out of life? What do I think would make me happy? 11. Whom or what do I trust in for my future?

  • Psalm 139 – Am I mindful that God knows my most intimate thoughts and the words of my mouth before I even speak them? Are there changes that I need to make in my life that will better help me to choose His way over my own way? (Think of your thought life, people, places, and activities.)

Discuss with your community group:

  • How has following Jesus changed the course of your life?

  • Have you suffered any as a result of your faith? What personal costs have you identified in following Jesus?

  • Are you struggling with a divided heart? Are there any current idols in your heart? Do you believe that Jesus is worth it?

  • Spend time encouraging and praying for one another.

Passages Referenced

Luke 9:57-62; Mark 10:43-44; 1 John 4:10, Mark 12:30, Luke 14:27-28; Matthew 7:13-14; Matthew 8:19; Mark 10:21-22; Luke 9:23; Exodus 20:20; Matthew 15 and 19; Colossians 1:15-18.

Worship Set List

Jesus Firm Foundation, Yes I Will, Blessed Assurance, All Sufficient Merit, Great Are You Lord