RSVP Required

Luke 14:15-24
As the world measures greatness in terms of power, position, and possessions, this week’s sermon (a part of our current series: The Gospel of Luke Part III: A Journey through Galilee) reveals to us the true measure of greatness as exhorted and exemplified by Jesus Christ. Sacrificial service, not status, emerges as the path to true significance and satisfaction within the Kingdom of God. As we love one another, we more fully realize the blessing of our union with Christ and His Church.

Main Points

  • Save the date! There’s a future celebration you don’t want to miss.
  • The excuses for absence were exceedingly lame.
  • Your invitation comes with a plus 1, 100, or even 1000.

Key Takeaways

  • The world is tempting but not worthy of my highest affection.
  • Is any part of the world controlling or consuming my heart and mind?
  • Pray for the lost and share the gospel.

Questions for Personal Application:

  • What are my excuses? What excuse could tempt me to turn away from the invitation?
  • Do I relate or identify with any of the excuses mentioned? Are there others?
  • Do I sometimes believe my works will merit an invitation to the dinner?
  • God is worthy of being the highest priority in my life, so why do I continually put the things of the world in front of Him? Why do I say, “God, please excuse me from the feast, because I have fallen in love with _______ (part of the world), and I’d rather sacrifice eternity for this temporary attempt at satisfaction.”
  • Have I written anyone off? Do I believe anyone is too far gone that God can’t save them?
  • Reflect on this: Those who know they are farthest away and have the greatest need are the most likely to be willing to receive the invitation (Luke 5:30-32).

Discussion Questions for Community Groups:

  • Has this sermon revealed any idols that need confessing?
  • With the significance of the invitation, how are we being faithful to share the invitation? Are we praying for our lost friends/family?

Passages Referenced

John 14:1-4; Isaiah 25:6-9; Romans 16:25-27

Worship Setlist

Oh But God; King of Kings; Adore; Beautiful; Come Ye Sinners