Test Of Greatness

As the world measures greatness in terms of power, position, and possessions, this week’s sermon series The Gospel of Luke, Part II: A Journey through Galilee reveals to us the true measure of greatness as exhorted and exemplified by Jesus Christ. Sacrificial service, not status, emerges as the path to true significance and satisfaction within the kingdom of God. As we love one another, we more fully realize the blessing of our union with Christ and His Church.

Drew’s Main Points

  • True greatness is in faithful service to God, not in power or status.

  • True greatness is in unity with one another.

Key Takeaways

  • The world is all about chasing power, status, and title. None of this will last and none of it will ultimately satisfy you.

  • As the disciples argue over their position in Christ’s kingdom, they display misguided desires and are thinking as man thinks, not as God thinks.

  • God wants us to be great, but He wants us to be great in His eyes and not in the eyes of the world.

  • Too often, we are seeking our own purposes rather than asking, “What is God doing here?” And “What is God’s will and purpose for me in this situation?”

  • In this passage, Jesus teaches us that receiving a child in Christ’s name honors God and demonstrates sacrificial love.

  • A test of the Gospel for professing Christians is serving those who have nothing to offer you in return. Being faithful means obedience when no one else knows but God.

  • True greatness is doing the right thing with the right motives just to please Jesus. Faithfulness is its own reward as we experience more fully the blessings of fellowship with God.

  • Jesus also warns the disciples against fighting and rivalries amongst His followers. We must not criticize ministries focused on advancing the kingdom of God.

  • Rather than a prideful attitude of arrogance towards our allies in Christ, we should praise God for what He is doing in other circles and other areas of the world.

  • The Church has enough enemies. Why should we create unnecessary divisions or make enemies out of fellow believers?

  • In applying the teachings of this passage, Drew recommends we encourage our brothers and sisters, fight against pride in our own hearts, and remember that the world will know us by our love for one another.

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • Who in your life will you choose to intentionally love and serve while expecting nothing in return?

  • How will encourage your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ this week? What pride in your heart do you need to confess to God and turn away from in repentance?

Discuss with your community group:

  • In what ways are you prone to unwisely seek to build a name for yourself? How can you encourage one another to seek God’s will and purposes in these areas?

  • Would you say your community group is marked by peacemaking or peace faking? How can you grow in true Christ-centered unity this week?

Passages Referenced

Luke 8:46-50; Ecclesiastes 2:18-19; Mark 9:33-34; Psalms 52:7; Philippians 2:3-8; James 4:6.

Worship Set List

God So Loved, My Worth is Not in What I Own, Abide, Christ is Enough, Undivided Heart