Feeding The 5,000

Since the Fall, mankind has continued to search for satisfaction in all of the wrong places. In this week’s sermon series The Gospel of Luke, Part II: A Journey through Galilee we see where true satisfaction is found through Jesus’s miraculous feeding of the physically and spiritually starving crowd. This miracle not only displays Jesus’s power, but His compassion and love, along with many great glories of the gospel.

Tyler’s Main Points

  • Jesus feels compassion for the wandering because they are like sheep without a shepherd.

  • Apart from Jesus, we are are a crowd of poor sinners in a desolate spiritual place with no ability to save or satisfy ourselves.

  • For your soul to be satisfied, you must receive it in and from Jesus Christ.

Key Takeaways

  • Jesus is God’s gracious provision. He alone can satisfy our greatest spiritual hungers.

  • Compassion moves Jesus to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of the crowd.

  • Jesus’s response to the wandering is welcoming.

  • Anything apart from Christ’s provision will overpromise and underdeliver.

  • This miraculous feeding was a sign pointing to a greater reality— Jesus is God’s gracious provision for our spiritually-starved souls.

  • We are not satisfied by a single moment of receiving God’s provision, but by daily abiding with Him.

  • We must take hold of what is is freely and abundantly available to us in Christ. We must reorder our lives to more frequently and fully feast on all that Christ provides.

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • What is your current level of satisfaction/contentment? How will you intentionally draw near to Christ rather than lesser things?

  • Spend time intentionally reading and meditating on the truths of Psalm 23.

Discuss with your community group:

  • How will you more faithfully establish and maintain a rhythm of fellowshipping with and enjoying Jesus this summer? What in your life needs to be reordered?

  • What are you prone to believe if I could just have, do, or be __________, then I would be satisfied?

Passages Referenced

Luke 9:10-17; Mark 6:34; Psalm 103:8; Hebrews 13:8; Psalm 23; John 6:26-27, 35.

Worship Set List

Life Defined, Christ is Enough, Thank You Jesus for the Blood, Blessed Assurance