Jesus Came to Deliver and Divide

Tyler Briggs continues this week’s sermon series The Gospel of Luke, Part III: A Journey through Galilee in Luke 12:49-59. Tyler poses the question, “Why did Jesus come?” In the first few minutes, we discover multiple answers to this question from biblical texts in these ways: Jesus came to give abundant life, to serve and give His life as a ransom, to be King, bear witness to the truth, and to cause those of the truth to listen to His voice. In today’s sermon, we learn that Jesus also came to bring and bear judgment for sins. His actions and follow-through commitment with these things are born of love and have eternal significance for us all.

Preacher’s Main Points

  • Jesus came to bring and bear judgment for sins.
  • We have all the information we need to discern that Jesus is the Messiah.
  • Make peace with God through faith in Jesus before you stand before Him as Judge.

Key Takeaways

  • Jesus desires the coming judgment. (For the fulfillment eternal events; His desire is born of love.)
  • Jesus is looking forward to His 2nd coming. (To receive His bride, the church)
  • We are currently in the age of the church, whereby we are betrothed to Christ. (The final consummation of the marriage is yet to come.)
  • The church is to be holy and blameless, thus what all Christ has done and will do for her.
  • Jesus’ kindled desire for judgment is for the love of His bride and not necessarily for wrath and condemnation.
  • Jesus is committed to the church. He will complete the work He began. (This is a precious and assured promise of God.)
  • The baptism that Jesus referenced in this passage is that of the crucifixion and following events. (To bear the judgment of His bride, etc.)
  • Jesus desires the wicked to repent and makes all the means available towards that end.
  • Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His character is unchanging.
  • Human relationships are affected by Jesus. (What people believe about Him affects their relationships. Union, division, love, hate, etc.)
  • Faith in Jesus will divide households. (To be anticipated)
  • Jesus is the divide, not you. Some will accept Him and others will reject Him.
  • As long as life continues, there is hope for the unbeliever to repent and be saved.
  • Repentance and Faith – Hear the call of God and see the gift He has provided us through the Gospel.
  • We have the Scriptures, the Prophets, Jesus’ teachings, miracles, fulfillments of prophecies, His death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and 2,000+ years of the church age that prove He is the Messiah.
  • Give more attention to your faith in Jesus than you do to the economy, politics, philosophy, etc.
  • The application of this passage is to repent and believe.
  • Do not delay your decision about Jesus; judgment is coming.
  • Repent and believe while God is patient and time allows. (Today is the day for salvation.)

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • Do I believe that Jesus is the Messiah? Why or why not?
  • Does my life align with or contradict my professed belief in Jesus? Provide details. Write them out if that is helpful.
  • Am I fearful or hopeful towards Jesus’ 2nd coming and coming judgment?

Discuss with your community group:

  • Why should we believe in Jesus and how then should we consequently live?
  • Are there any habits in our personal/family lives that need to change? What are we doing poorly? What are we doing well?
  • Are we sharing our faith with those outside of the church? 

Share some stories with one another. Encourage and pray for one another.

Passages Referenced

John 10:10; Mark 10:45; John 18:37, Luke 19:10; Luke 12:49-59; Ephesians 5:25-27; Ezekiel 33:11; 2 Peter 3:9; Luke 12:14-24; The book of Acts (divided households over the faith); Acts 2:36

Worship Set List

Ancient Gates; Living Hope; How Deep The Father’s Love For Us; Doxology (Amen); Before The Throne Of God Above