The Substance Of Great Faith

By the grace of God and to the glory of God, faith often arises in the most unexpected place and people. This week our sermon series The Gospel of Luke, Part II: A Journey through Galilee tells the story of a Roman centurion whose faith makes Jesus marvel. Through this passage, we see the substance of such incredible faith and the only One worthy of our faith— Jesus Christ.

Tyler’s Main Points

  • Great faith is founded in a humble view of self.

  • Great faith is founded in a high view of Jesus.

  • The Gospel is good news to all who reach out to Jesus in faith.

Key Takeaways

  • There are two times in the Scriptures that Jesus is said to marvel— at the Jews’ unbelief in Mark 6:6 and at the faith of the centurion in today’s passage.

  • The faith of the Gentile, Roman centurion is held up in contrast to the lack of faith demonstrated by the Jews towards their promised Messiah.

  • The Gospel is good news of great joy to all peoples, even the worst of sinners.

  • In this story, Jesus does not marvel at a prideful heart or someone who has done lots of good works, but rather He marvels at the humble heart of a Roman centurion.

  • The Jews’ high view of themselves stood between them and placing their faith in Jesus.

  • When we no longer depend on ourselves to save ourselves, we are able to cry out to Christ to save us.

  • If you try to DIY your life and salvation, your work is not going to stand the test.

  • Rather than Rome and rather than the pagan gods he previously worshipped, the centurion reached out to Jesus for help in his time of need.

  • The invitation to draw near to Christ is not only for the forgiveness of sins, but all aspects of our life and salvation.

Discussion Questions/Application

Personal application:

  • Who is someone whose faith makes you marvel? Reach out to thank and encourage them for the example they’ve been and the impact they’ve made in your life.

  • How will you intentionally cultivate a humble view of self and high view of Christ this Passion Week?

Discuss with your community group:

  • In what ways do you still try to “do it yourself” when it comes to your own life, struggles, and the troubles of this world?

  • How can you encourage one another with the truth and hope of the Gospel amidst your trials today? 

Passages Referenced

Luke 7:1-10; Mark 6:6; Luke 4:14-30, Luke 6:11; Acts 4:12

Worship Set List

Worthy of More, Cast My Cares (My Portion), Blessed Assurance, Such an Awesome God, Come Ye Sinners